
Elaine is an influencer who has impacted thousands of students, colleagues, and professional boards. Elaine’s impressive work has won the attention of thought-leaders in her field and around the world. Speaking overseas, teaching, or writing publications are just some of the ways Elaine is known.
Her work spans throughout the globe, where students in numerous nationalities have benefitted from her research and discoveries. So excellent at teaching, Elaine’s students are lead to their own successes and accolades.
Ph.D. | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Second Language Learning and Teaching |
1980 |
M.A. | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, French Language Teaching |
1975 |
B.A. with high honors | University of Maryland, College Park, French with teacher certification |
1975 |
Certificate | University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Institute in Business and Management |
1980 |
Certificate | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Neuroscience Bootcamp |
2012 |
- Professor (2001 to present)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin. - Director and Graduate Adviser (1995-present)
Graduate Program in Foreign Language Education, University of Texas at Austin.
Graduate Course Instruction
- Second Language Acquisition
- Educational Research and Design
- Evaluation of Language Education
- Educational Research and Design
- Research and Writing Methods in Language Education
- The Second Language Learner
- Doctoral Seminar in Language Education
- ESL Literacy
- Language Education Forum Seminar in Communicative Competence
Undergraduate Course Instruction
- Language Teaching Methods
- Second Language Acquisition (for bilingual teachers)
- Foreign Language Student Teaching
- Supervision of Student Teachers
- Classroom Management
- Methods of Secondary Teaching
- Language Teaching Methodology, Introduction to Bilingual Education, Advanced French Composition, and 1st, 2nd, and 4th semester French.
Committee Involvement
- Faculty Welfare
- Faculty Research Assignments
- Faculty Grievance
- Advisory Board Texas Language Technology Center.
- College of Education
- Promotion and Tenure
- Committee on Research.
- Department
- Executive
- Human Subjects
- New Course.
Assistant and Associate Professor (1980-2000) | Department of Curriculum & Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin |
Visiting Professor | English Education, Chonnam National University, Chonnam, Korea (1997-1998). Team, interactive satellite television courses: Composition, American Culture, and English Teaching |
College Instructor | Department of Foreign Languages, State University of New York at Buffalo. |
Title VII Fellow & Research Assistant | Office of Bilingual Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. |
Student Teaching Supervisor | Office of Secondary Student Teaching, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. |
Teacher | University High School, Urbana, Illinois. |
Teaching Assistant | Department of French, University of Illinois |
Teacher | Thomas J. Pullen Junior High School. Landover, MD. |
Teacher | Frederick Sasscer Junior High School, Upper Marlboro, MD. Maryland. |
- Seventy-four doctoral dissertations have been completed under Elaine’s direction or co-direction
- (Terence Odlin, Yunwha Pak, Nuril Huda, Karima Bourenane, Dolly Young, David Keitges, Thomas Yang, Mary Lou Price, George Braine, Wen-Hua Teng, Elaine Phillips, Byung-Koo Ahn, Junil Oh, Margaret Ann Kassen, Nae-Dong Yang, Judith Liskin-Gasparro, Masanori Kimura, Jeri Dies, Jenifer Thrall, Sumiko Nakayama, Marita Nummikoski, Susan Truitt, Gipyo Park, Jung Han Chen, Heiko Schlessiger, Theresa Oh, Danny Brown, Aaron Ostrun, Kathy Hartman, Nacije Kunt, Phil Donley, Patricia Norwood, James Corwin, Lisa Palacios, Yuh-Show Cheng, Xiu Yan, Sung-Yeon Kim, Shen-Jie Chen, Christine Jernigan, Eleni Papamaheil, Hooneok Kim-Yoon, Rula Diab, Jouhae Kim, Hui-Ming Lucy Lee, Kenji Takahashi, Posen Liao, Kyungsun Han, Shu-Jung Wu, Hye-Yeon Lim, Colclough Sanders, Brian Rubrecht, Mark Carpenter, Da-Fu Huang, Anwar Hobrom, Jiyang Le, Bokyung Murray, Yung-Nan Chang, Michael Tallon, Elsa Gaster-Delvalle, Chang-Won Shin, Richard Sherman, Glenda Rose, Heng-Tsung Danny Huang, AnnJeanette Martin, Ching-Hui Hsiao, Michael Smith, Min Gui, Han Luo, Kelly Conroy, Hayriye Kayi-Aydar, Tung-wei Kao, Nicholas Gatlin, Lama Nassif, Jared Abels.) I am supervising three dissertations in progress. I have also directed 67 masters’ theses, 111 masters’ reports, and two Plan II (undergraduate) Honors theses.
- Served as an outside dissertation committee member for the following:
- Dr. Peter MacIntyre, Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario (London, Canada),
- Dr. Diane Coulombe, Université de Laval (Québec, Canada),
- Dr. Eva Bernat, Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia),
- Dr. Ana Lobo, Griffith University, (Australia),
- Dr. Sulaiman Hussein, The British University of Dubai, (United Arab Emirates),
- Dr. Ivan Yinxing Jin, University of Groningen, (The Netherlands).
- Thirty-four of these former students have published articles in major refereed journals based on their dissertation research:
- Drs. Odlin, Young, Yang (Thomas), Keitges, Price, Braine, Phillips, Oh (Junil), Kassen, Liskin-Gasparro, Schlessiger, Yang (Nae-Dong), Park, Kim (Sung-Yeon), Cheng, Donley, Lim, Takahashi, Phillips, Kim (Jouhae), Papamaheil, Han, Rubrecht, Chen (Sheng-Jie), Chang, Tallon, Murray, Diab, Huang, Hsiao, Gui, Luo, Kayi-Aydr, and Nassif
- The Following achievements have been made by former students
- Elaine Phillips won the annual Albert Chinard Prize for the year’s (1991) most outstanding scholarship related to the teaching of French for an article based on her dissertation.
- Judith Liskin-Gasparro won the 1993 Emma Birckmaier Award for outstanding dissertation from the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages.
- Danny Huang’s dissertation was the runner-up for the 2010 TOEFL dissertation award from the international organization Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
- The dissertations by Nuril Huda, Nae-Dong Yang, and Judith Liskin-Gasparro were selected to represent the Foreign Language Education program in the University of Texas’ annual Outstanding Dissertation Award Competition. In addition, MA student Faith Steinberg published an often-cited article in the TESOL Quarterly based on her thesis research.
Many of Elaine’s students have tenured and tenure-track faculty positions at institutions such as the Ohio State University, the University of Iowa, the University of North Carolina, the University of Tennessee, Northwestern University, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Arkansas, Northern Illinois University, Baylor University, Texas Christian University, Catholic University of America, the Johns Hopkins University, Seoul National University, Chonnam National University (Korea), the Korean Air Force Academy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Normal University, Kansai Gaidai University (Japan), the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Williams College, the University of Arizona.
Individual differences in second language acquisition including learner autonomy, cognitive abilities, language anxiety, student belief systems, and conceptual development; minority language learners; anxiety in language teachers; improving second/foreign language teaching; language teacher education.
Examining the relationships among handwriting, cognitive style, and language aptitude, Elaine’s recent training in neuroscience has better equipped her to approach these issues from the perspective of brain architecture. Also a team leader on an eye-tracking study, Elaine studies the differences in eye-tracking in anxious and unanxious second language readers.
- American Educational Research Association
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
- American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages
- American Association of Applied Linguistics
2017 Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Article
- Preliminary Evidence for the Validity and Reliability of a Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (TESOL Quarterly, 1986, 20, 559-562) was selected “as one of the eight most significant contributions to the field of TESOL” in the journal’s 50 year history. It was featured in the 50ieth anniversary issue of the journal along with my reflection article Reflections on Horwitz (1986), Preliminary Evidence for the Validity and Reliability of a Foreign Language Anxiety Scale.
- Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (The Modern Language Journal, 1986, 70, 125-132) was recognized as the most highly cited article in the history of The Modern Language Journa (2017).
Lifetime Academic Achievement Award, Institute for American Universities, 2017, Aix En Provence, France.
TEXTESOLER of the Year, Texas, Region 3, 2013.
Dean’s Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, Spring Semester, 2000, 2004.
Award for Teaching Excellence, Texas Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1999.
Nominated, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, University of Texas, 1997, 1998, 2012.
Nominated, Outstanding Graduate Adviser Award, University of Texas, 2007, 2012.
Finalist, Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship, University of Texas, 1986. Recognized by the Friar Society as one of “twenty outstanding professors teaching undergraduate students at the University.”
Outstanding Member Award, Texas Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Region 3, 1982.
Outstanding Teacher Award, Phi Eta Sigma Honorary, University of Texas, 1981.
Finalist, Emma J. Birkmaier Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Foreign Language Education (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages), 1980.
Title VII Bilingual Education Teacher Training Fellow (US. Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages), University of Illinois, 1975-1977.
Excellent Teacher List, University of Illinois, 1974, 1975.
- Editorial Boards Reappointed
- The Modern Language Journal, Blackwell Publishers, (1992 to present. 2018), 2017 Impact Factor 2.789.
- System, Elsevier Publishers (2013 to present). 2017 Impact Factor 1.547
- Korean Association of Teachers of English (KATE) Journal, (1998-2010).
- Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, (1990-2015).
- Previous Offices
- Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages.
- Co-Chair: Doctoral Forum, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
- Chair: Karl Mildenburger Committee of the Modern Language Association.
- Chair:Paul Pimsleur Award Committee of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages.
- Chair (elected): Executive Committee of the Division of Applied Linguistics, The Modern Language Association.
- Chair: Teacher Education Committee of the Texas Foreign Language Association.
- Member: Executive Board, Texas Teachers of English as a Second Language, Region 3.
- Member: Steiner Award Committee of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Language.
- Member: Paul Pimsleur Award Committee of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Language.
- Member: Nominating Committee, Linguistic Association of the Southwest.
- Editor: TEXTESOL III Newsletter.
- Reviewer:
- Journals:
- Language Learning, Modern Language Journal, Foreign Language Annals, TESOL Quarterly, Review of Educational Research, Studies in Second Journal of Qualitative: Studies in Education, International Journal of Educational Research, International
- Journal of Applied Linguistics, The ADFL Bulletin, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning and Technology, Perceptual and Motor
Skills, Psychological Reports, The Canadian, Modern Language Review, Language Awareness, and The Educational Researcher.
- Proposals:
- Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (2014)(previous)c National Science Foundation
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (1993, 1994 1998, 2000).
- US Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages.
- Educational Testing Service
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- Annual meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (Applied Linguistics and Research SIGs).
- Annual meeting of American Council of Foreign Language Teachers (Research SIG).
- Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Assoc. (Second Language SIG).
- Annual meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics.
- Government
- Member, European Second Language Research Group.Cohesión europea: Desigualdad de hablantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en Europa. Estudio de la situación en España. European cohesion: Inequality of speakers of English as a foreign language, proposal submitted for funding to the European Research Council.
- Advisory Board Member, Eastside Memorial Green Tech and Global Tech High School, Austin Independent School District.
- Member, State Board (Texas) for Educator Certification (SBEC) Committees on Standards for English as a Second Language and Languages other than English. Austin Independent School District, Review Committee for textbooks in English as a Second Language.
- External tenure
- Department of French & Italian, Ohio State University, 1991.
& Promotion Department of French & Italian, University of Utah, 1992. - Department of Educational Studies, Ohio State University, 1993.
- Department of Germanic, Slavic, and Semitic Studies,
- University of California, Santa Barbara, 1994.
- Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, State
- University of New York at Binghamton, 1996.
- Department of Fine Arts (which includes foreign languages),
- University of South Carolina at Spartanburg, 1997.
- Department of Asian Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 1997, 1999.
- Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Iowa, 1998.
- Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Maryland, (promotion to full professor) 1999.
- Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin (promotion to full professor) 1999.
- Department of Foreign Languages, University of Delaware, 2000.
- Department of Foreign Languages, Georgia State University, 2004.
- Department of Foreign Languages, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
- University (promotion to full professor) 2006.
- Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education,
- University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2007.
- Department of English, The University of Northern Iowa, 2008.
- Department of English Education, The American University of Beirut, 2010.
- Department of French and Italian, University of Arizona (promotion to full professor), 2012.
- Department of Teaching, Learning & Culture, Texas A & M University (promotion to full professor), 2015.
- Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Kentucky. 2016.
- Department of Modern Languages, Brigham Young Unversity (promotion to full professor), 2017.
- Division of General Studies, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, ROK (South Korea), 2017.
- Division of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick (UK) (promotion to full professor), 2018.
- Department of French & Italian, Ohio State University, 1991.
- Journals: